-7 days

I have enjoyed the best summer ever.  From two incredible vacations, to seeing DCI both nights at one of the biggest shows of the season with one of my best friends, to all of the random get togethers with the friends that have made my high school experience truly unique, this summer has gone by much faster than I would have hoped.  I’m glad that this summer was as amazing as it was, because it helped to build up my friendships and has helped me to get closer to a lot of people.

I leave for college in a week.  And it is a very strange feeling to know that tomorrow many of my friends will be going to band camp, and I won’t be there.  I’m not sad about it; I had my time with that band.  It is time to start something new.  But it is still weird to not be going, seeing as my past four summers have all ended with band camp at the high school. 

I am more than excited to start a new adventure with a new band with a show that I can’t tell what the theme is.  I’ve missed marching more than I expected too.  I haven’t marched since March (ha, irony!) since my knee kicked me off the line.  It’s also weird how I missed marching trumpet-something I didn’t expect to.  While I loved playing baritone, and loved learning bass clef and a new instrument, I missed marching trumpet. 

So in a week’s time, I’ll be all settled into my dorm and at a band practice.  I don’t have the worries most people have about school.  I’ve been becoming friendly with a lot of people at Moravian, so I’m not worried about the whole OMG-I’m-gonna-know-nobody-there thing.  I really haven’t encountered a mean person, and all of the people I’m going to be living with in my suite seem like really chill people.  I’m not worried about the roommate situation, because I don’t have one-single room as a freshman?  Yeah, I’m pumped.    

This post doesn’t have some heartfelt meaning.  I’m not angrily blogging about how stupid my local political circle is, and I’m not sharing some sweet message I saw in an event that took place as I was going through my daily routine.  This is just me, excited for college, and unsure what to do for the next week.

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